I hope everyone had a restful holiday break and is back into a regular routine – routine is important with kids, as you know. When we return from break, I always review the school expectations with all of our students, one grade level at a time. It makes a positive difference to our school climate when students and staff are all on the same page when it comes to routines and expectations. I review the Parent/Student Handbook with everyone and we walk to the cafeteria and practice expectations for breakfast, lunch and assemblies. Students are asked to follow our A.B.E. rules – Act Responsibly, Be Safe and Express Respect. Staff members regularly recognize students who follow these rules by giving out blue and yellow slips, which students can redeem for supplies at the student store or enter a weekly drawing in the office for prizes.

There are amazing things happening on a daily basis at Lincoln. I am very proud to be the principal here and I hope you are equally proud to be Lincoln parents.

Craig Homnick