One of the wonderful things about life is that we are provided multiple opportunities to “reinvent” ourselves—a new job, a new neighborhood, a new friend, a new year. During these times we can make conscious decisions to choose to repeat what worked well for us or to change that which did not. These opportunities allow us a fresh start—a clean slate.

It’s that way in school, too, when January marks not only the beginning of a New Year, but, also, the beginning of a new grading period.

It’s important we communicate to children that scores earned and recorded on their last progress report have absolutely nothing to do with this grading period. If December’s progress report indicated current skills aren’t at grade-level, in a subject or two, now is a good time to reflect upon what worked and what didn’t.

By asking a few questions, we can help children understand that they can choose behaviors that will make positive changes. “You want to improve skills in math; will not doing your homework help you to do that?” “You want to become a stronger reader; what are some ways you could find more time to practice reading at home?” And, of course, the question for both parents and teachers to ask: “What is it that you need from me to help you make this happen?”

Most importantly, help your child be at school ALL DAY, EVERY DAY. Research shows that students who are here the most learn the most!

Happy New Year Lincoln Parents!